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The information is provided pursuant to articles 13 et seq. EU Regulation 2016/679 "relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data of those who interact with the web services of the Municipality of Controguerra accessible on the homepage of the official website at the address:


1. Data Controller and Personal Data Protection Officer
The Data Controller is the Municipality of Controguerra with headquarters in Via Giovanni Amadio 2 64010 Controguerra TE, represented by the pro-tempore Mayor Carletta Franco.
The Data Protection Officer - RPD/DPO is Igino Addari, Via Nazionale 39, 64026 Roseto degli Abruzzi (TE), Tel: 085/2095591, Email:


2. Personal data
According to the art. 4 – n.1 - of the EU Regulation n. 2016/679, personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (data subject).


3. Purpose and legal basis
The purpose of data processing is to allow access to the Site via SPID (Public Digital Identity System) and CIE (Electronic Identity Card) to manage requests from interested parties with respect to online services provided by the Municipality, e.g. electronic bill for the TARI (Waste Tax) in place of the paper document; reminder of the expiry of the Identity Card; news and information on the new services offered by the Municipality.
Personal data is processed in compliance with the conditions established by EU Regulation 2016/679 and in particular by art. 6 - par. 1 lit. e) - and by art. 2 ter of Legislative Decree 196/2003 "Code regarding the protection of personal data", for the execution of a task of public interest and connected to the exercise of public powers vested in the Municipality, in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 82/2005 "Digital Administration Code".
Membership of the selected services may be revoked independently at any time using the same membership method. The revocation does not affect the lawfulness of the treatments carried out on the basis of the adhesion expressed before the revocation itself.


4. Types of data processed
The management of the procedure involves the processing of the following personal data:

  1. SPID Authentication:
    1. Name and surname
    2. Tax ID code
    3. Contacts: telephone, e-mail
  2. CIE Authentication:
    1. Name and surname
    2. Tax ID code
    3. Date of birth
  3. Information related to the management of the Online Services
    1. Service membership
    2. Contact details and addresses indicated for the sending of communications by the Municipality

Methods of treatment
The processing takes place in compliance with fundamental rights and freedoms and is based on principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of confidentiality, ensuring the relevance and proportionality of the information collected and used with respect to the purpose described.


5. Processing of personal data
With reference to the data processed, the Municipality informs that:

  • the treatment is carried out with telematic and/or manual tools;
  • the provision of data is optional, but necessary for the correct execution of the investigation and procedural obligations or for the provision of the service;
  • failure to provide some or all of the requested data may lead to the interruption of the procedure or service;
  • in relation to the procedure and related activities, the Municipality may communicate the data acquired to other competent public or private bodies, in the cases provided for by law, the Statute, municipal regulations;
  • the data will be processed by the Data Controller, its employees and collaborators, to whom suitable instructions are communicated or by companies expressly appointed as data processors; these subjects ensure levels of experience, skills and reliability such as to guarantee compliance with the current provisions on processing, including data security;
  • the data will be kept for a period not exceeding that envisaged by the regulatory basis that legitimizes the processing and in compliance with the rules on the conservation of administrative documentation; to this end, also through periodic checks, the strict pertinence, non-excess and indispensability of the data processed is verified;
  • the data processed is subject to the legislation on the right of access, with the methods and limits set out in the laws in force.


6. Rights of the interested party
The interested parties have the right to ask the Municipality for access to personal data, the rectification or cancellation of the same or the limitation of the treatment that concerns them or to oppose the treatment (Article 15 ss. EU Regulation 2016/679).
The application is presented by contacting the owner of the Municipality of Controguerra, in Via Giovanni Amadio 2 64010 Controguerra TE email:

The interested parties, if they believe that the processing of personal datathe data referred to them occurs in violation of the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679 (art. 77), they have the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, or to appeal to the appropriate offices judicial (art. 79 of the Regulation).

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