Welcome to Controguerra
A city that knows how to be loved with its authentic charm and natural beauty
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Categories: Palaces monuments and finds
Categories: Historical and cultural places
Categories: Centers and villages
Categories: Palaces monuments and finds

Controguerra the "Città del buon vivere"
Controguerra is a special town, a small treasure hidden in the hills of the province of Teramo, an enchanting place that conquers anyone from the first moment thanks to the breathtaking views close to the Adriatic Sea, the hills covered with vineyards, the olive groves and the fields of grain creating an unforgettable landscape immersed in the culture, history and flavors of the area.

Controguerra is a "Città del buon vivere", where time seems to pass more slowly and where you can enjoy every moment with serenity and tranquility immersed in an authentic and welcoming atmosphere. Here are produced some of the best wines in Italy, thanks to the particular composition of the soil and the care of the local winemakers who represent the very essence of the peasant tradition and of Italian excellence, just as the olive oil is one of the finest.

Controguerra is a "città slow", where you can take the time to live well, where you can enjoy silence and nature, where you can enjoy good food and good wine in the company of friends. It is a city that knows how to make itself loved, that knows how to welcome anyone with its authentic charm and natural beauty.

news and events
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I was born on twenty-one in spring
04 August 2023
"I was born on twenty-one in spring" is a meeting of sounds ...
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36th Controguerra Festival
Food and wine
25 July 2023 > 30 July 2023
The Controguerra Food and Wine Festival, now in its XXXVI ed ...
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Presentation of VisitControguerra
24 June 2023
Introducing the new brand of tourist destination and territo ...
Discover Controguerra
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Superlative wines, among the best in Italy, thanks to the care of the winemakers, excellences in the Italian and international scene
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Olive oil Mills
The quality of the olives and a suitable and luxuriant hilly terrain produce, thanks to the mills, masterful olive oils
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Places to see
Discovering Controguerra means discovering the history, culture and art of a country and of an entire valley called Val Vibrata
Paths and itineraries
Art and history
Culture and religion
Food and wine
Nature and parks